Wed Jan 31 2024

I’m motivated by my dad in a way that I don’t want to become like him. I stopped calling dad since when I was 12years old. 3,4 times I had a fight with my dad. Well 35% of the people in the world hate their father due to some reasons.I have lot of reasons to hate my dad. I don’t want to call him dad in this blog, but for understanding purpose, I will mention him as dad.

Generally men go to work and women do house work. But in my family my mom do house keeping and she goto work ereryday(sunday also). But my dad sleeps like a pig in the house everyday. He don’t go to work.

My family is between poor and middle class because of irresponsible father. My mom pays everything for me and my sister from my childhood. She works day and night and even sundays to for us. I never seen a person in my life who works that much hard like my mom. My dad is too lazy. My dad is physically alright but he never go to work(lazy one). Even my grand father go to work everyday. But he is lazy. All he do is just eat,watch youtube and sleep.

The main reason why I hate him

My dad has a shop in my village. But my dad never gave me or my sister a single rupee. If I want shampoo for bath I need to pay 1Rs(0.01$). Even for family members if we need somethig we need to pay in my dad’s shop. My mom buys salt,washing powder,books blah blah from my dad’s shop but she prepares food for him and wash his clothes for free. So weired right.

I don’t know why my dad behaves like that and everyone in my village ask’s me why is my dad like that. Somany people call h He is selfish. But even a selfish person at least takes care of his family. But he take’s care of no one. All he do is wake-up, eat and sleep and repeat.

I fight with my dad

Indirectly I hate my mom too. Because she did’t gave my dad divorce. She has fear. Whn I was below 14 years old once in a week my dad fight with my mom. That time I’m a just a kid and I can’t help my mom. I go to my rooftop and cry there watching stars. Whenever there is a fight my dad is going to hit my mom. after 2 years(when I am 15 years old gaining enough strength now I’m ready to fight with my dad) my dad try to fight with my mom then that time I stopped my mom .I try to hit him but I didn’t cause my mom came in between.

I told my mom that give him divorce and we will be free and happy. She she says “what society thinks about us”. I am like F**k that society. In India somany people are dumb they always thinks about the what society thinks.

father means not giving birth but taking care os children.


I have a sister as Indian tradition we need to make her marriage. For her marriage we need soo much money. But he never cares about her marriage. Only my mom is earning money for her.

Even a drunkard is better that my father

My cousin father is a drunkard. He is highly addicted to drinking(alcoho). Some times my cousin father beats his wife. But why he is better that my dad is because everyday he go to work and earns some money and spends the money for his family. Not like taking money from his own family like my father.

My dad is really dumb. That’s why I don’t care about him.